Embark on a magical journey starting from the iconic GPO, where students will delight in a scrumptious breakfast en route to Kokkarebellur. Witness the awe-inspiring spectacle of diverse crane birds and enjoy a guided village walk. Experience the fascinating world of sericulture and the intricate process of silk production. After a refreshing snack, engage in a heartwarming interaction with local school students and showcase talents. Explore the serene Jain Temple, concluding the day with another delicious snack. This enchanting adventure promises unforgettable memories, educational experiences, and new friendships, making it an irresistible opportunity for your child!
06.00 AM |
Departure from School |
07.45 AM |
Enroute breakfast will be provided |
09.00 AM |
Arrival at Kokkarebellur |
10:30 AM |
Proceed for Guided Village Walk, Watch and Explore Different types of Crane Birds |
11.30 AM |
Juice and snacks will be provided |
12.00 AM |
Explore the live process of Sericulture, the Cultivation of Silkworms to Produce Silk |
01.00 PM |
Packed Lunch will be provided |
02.00 AM |
Interaction Section with Govt School Students and Talent Hunt |
03.00 PM |
Proceed to visit Jain Temple |
03.30 PM |
Visit and explore Jain temple |
04.10 PM |
Juice and snacks will be provided |
04.10 PM |
Departure to School |
06.30 PM |
Arrival at School |
Kindly Note, Bird Watching Season is from FEBRUARY TO JULY |
NB: Once the trip is confirmed with the marketing executive , for any further information or status or details regarding the bookings kindly coordinate with our operation head MRS. ANNIE : 99161 01317 , Email id: annie@crazyholidays.in or operation manager MR. STEPHEN : 9538677790, Email id : stephen@crazyholidays.in |
To ensure a secure and informative experience for the parents, we offer "Track My Tour" facility, which allows the parents to view photos, videos and live bus tracking of their children during the trip. NB: We will be taking only group photographs. Before uploading photos and videos, it will be verified by our backend team. Also, a copy of the group photographs will be shared to the school as a memento. If you do not wish to utilize in this facility, kindly inform us via email neha@crazyholidays.in